(All times are GMT+2)

Thursday, January 09, 2003

Created alternate address for Useful Programs and the new contact page

If you are too lazy to type you can use address to reach this site. However, you don't need to update your bookmarks. The other address still works.

Contact Me section is added to the site. The e-mail form is moved here from the About page. You can send me an e-mail directly from the page and you can see my ICQ status.
You can contact me about anything, not just about calculators. I can chat with you through ICQ or e-mail about anything. (math, mass media, quantum physics, philosophy, love, computers, literature...)

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

New Poll

I created a new poll about Biorhythm Calculator. If you want to tell your opinions on this program, click here to go the poll.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Biorhythm Calculator is available for download

The oldest program of Useful Programs is here with its newest and most advanced version. Toghether with the Biorhythm Calculator, Biorhythmic Love Calculator is also released. For more information on both programs, check the Programs section.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

Biorhythm Calculator XP and Biorhythmic Love Calculator is complete, but I'm too lazy to write a readme file. Anyway, the new version of Biorhythm Calculator will be here soon.

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